10 warning signs of prostate cancer
The prostate is an integral part of the male reproductive system and is a small gland below the bladder and surrounding the urethra. Prostate cancer is caused by changes in the DNA of prostate cells. The condition typically occurs in older men, with about 6 in 10 people affected by it being 65 years or older. It is rare among men under 40. Here are some warning signs of prostate cancer that shouldn’t be ignored: Frequent urge to urinate Prostate cancer typically grows along the nerves in the groin area. As a result, people with the condition feel the urge to pass urine frequently, particularly at night. Urine hesitancy Hesitancy, or difficulties with urination, is another common symptom of prostate cancer, although it is prevalent among older adults. Urine hesitancy should not be ignored in any case, and one must undergo tests to rule out the possibility of cancer. Unsteady urine stream Many with prostate cancer may experience an unsteady urine stream or reduced force while urinating. Such changes in urination patterns should be tested immediately. Blood in urine or semen Blood in the urine (hematuria) or semen (hematospermia) can indicate the development of prostate cancer, though these are less common symptoms.